Natalie Katwal is a Berlin-based sculptor and visual artist, who came to work with functional sculpture from the field of clothing design. 
Recently, Natalie Katwal presented her new project, WHITE DREAMS — a series of objects created from artificial stone mass, one of her favorite materials. The WHITE DREAMS collection is known as a dream experience which cannot be described. The project aims to describe perception of reality through decoding the subconscious motives of personality in dreams. For the artist Rupor is her form of Gesamtkunstwerk.
"I am an artist — creating a modern functional sculpture. I also do visual art (photo and video). For a long time I worked as a fashion designer and I hope that I will soon apply all my skills and knowledge in this area to create new art objects. All these areas are easily combined in my vision of the integrity of the artist. From childhood, I knew that I would be an artist. As far as I can remember, I always was: my perception of the world happened through the prism of artistic vision. Over time, I realized that it was the power of art within me that was the guide of the vector of movement. Only recently I decided that I no longer want and will not combine work and art, and now I will direct all my strength and time into knowing the world through creativity." - Natalie Katwal
Art Fairs

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